Brain Injury
Severe traumatic brain injury can dramatically alter the lives of the injured victim and those close to them. If you feel like you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to the negligence of another party, you need an experienced attorney like Garry Whitaker on your side who can help you recover both physically and financially. If another individual’s carelessness or a commercial business’s disregard for safety caused the accident that led to your brain injury, you may be entitled to compensation.
Winston-Salem attorney Garry Whitaker is committed to providing brain injury victims and their families outstanding legal representation. He has been a strong and caring advocate on behalf of injured clients for over 30 years. Garry Whitaker focuses on helping people in Winston-Salem and throughout North Carolina who have been injured because of the carelessness or negligence of others, including people who have sustained life-changing traumatic brain injuries.
The symptoms of a TBI vary by the severity of the injury. Some signs of a traumatic brain injury may be apparent immediately, while other may not appear for weeks or months after the incident that caused the TBI. The symptoms include:
• Being dazed and disoriented;
• Brief loss of consciousness
• Headaches
• Fatigue
• Nausea and vomiting
• Blurred vision
• Bad taste in mouth
• Changes in ability to smell
• Sensitivity to light or noise
• Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
• Depression and anxiety.
An experienced attorney, skilled in handling traumatic brain injuries can help your family deal with the effects of the injury and seek compensation for the accident that caused the brain injury. If your family member has a severe brain injury, make sure that you work with a dedicated lawyer who understands the profound effects of this catastrophic injury on the TBI survivor and his or her family.
Elderly adults are especially at risk of fall-related traumatic brain injuries, hospitalization and in some cases death. An older adult may suffer a fall and head injury because of unsafe conditions at a commercial property such as wet floors or trip hazards at a retail store, restaurant or hotel.
Car crashes and motorcycle accidents cause many serious brain injuries. Young adults between the ages of 15 and 24 sustain brain injuries in car accidents and sports-related accidents such as skiing and contact sports. Being thrown from a motorcycle is a common cause of brain injuries that are often caused by the negligence of another driver. If the brain injury was caused by someone else’s disregard for safety, the brain injury survivor may be entitled to seek compensation.
Attorney Garry Whitaker represents victims of traumatic brain injuries in Winston-Salem, North Carolina caused by:
• car accidents
• motorcycle crashes
• falls
• sporting accidents
• assaults and acts of violence
If you or your loved one is struggling to recover from a brain injury, you need reliable legal guidance so you can make well-informed decisions about your future. Garry Whitaker’s passion is to help individuals who have been injured or are disabled.